Minneapolis Police Department | Community Engagement Team
Click here to read CET’s March 2015 newsletter
From their Website:
The Community Engagement Team is tasked with building ties with the various ethnic communities in our city. They work to build trust and strong relationships with members of these communities.
CET is also tasked with educating the community and the MPD on issues related to terrorism and overall police/community concerns. They can answer questions about Homeland Security issues from both officers and community members.
CET Officers can assist other officers in more complex cases such as those in which there is a language barrier. Community members can contact CET officers to offer information if and when they feel reluctant to speak to a regular officers or investigators.
They welcome your calls and questions.
Types of services offered by the Community Engagement Team:
- Citizen academies
- Youth academies
- Attending Public Forums
- Community lectures
- Community focus group
- Training programs (Violent Extremism)
- Recruit youth to participate in the Police Activities League
- Recruit youth to participate in the Police Explorers Program
- Develop and implement mentorship opportunities for youth
- Assist recruitment officers with diversity recruit for police officer and community service officer positions
- Develop and deliver training programs to raise awareness of violent extremism
- Oversee the See Something, Say Something program
For more, including contacts, visit their website: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/police/about/WCMS1P-120613