A fall community event, with a dark blue overlay

Bottineau January Neighborhood Meeting with the Board, Jan 10, 2023 @ 7pm

Bottineau Neighborhood Meeting with the Board

You’re invited to Bottineau’s monthly “Neighborhood Meeting with the Board” to hear updates from your BNA Board Members, neighbors, and local businesses. We are excited about our plans for the neighborhood and we look forward to sharing them with you!  Welcome to all, every second Tuesday of the month, currently virtual.

Join us!

Tuesday January 10, 2022  @ 7pm

Zoom link:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85167330193
Meeting ID: 851 6733 0193   Dial In # +1 312 626 6799


  • Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board  – Bottineau Park Play Area Upgrades
  • Officer Elections

Email kara@bottineauneighborhood.org for further instructions on how to attend this virtually.