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Bottineau residents: our annual Plant Giveaway returns May 13!
Bottineau Plant Giveaway
Saturday May 13, 9am –Noon
Eastside Neighborhood Services 1700 2nd Street NE
(Near the “Lizard Lounge” sculpture, artist Mary Johnson)
Bottineau Neighborhood Association proudly sponsors our annual “Plant Giveaway” Event outdoors at Eastside Neighborhood Services.
We invite Bottineau residents to select up to 5 free plants!
Neighbors will also have a chance to learn about local earth-friendly organizations, enjoy kid-friendly crafts, and find out how you can get involved with the Bottineau Neighborhood Association!
To learn more about the event and volunteering opportunities, contact bna@bottineauneighborhood.org.
Residentes de Bottineau: ¡Nuestro obsequio anual de plantas regresa el 13 de mayo!
Obsequio de plantas de Bottineau
Sábado 13 de mayo, 9am –12:00 (mediodía)
Servicios de los vecindarios del este (Eastside Neighborhood Services) 1700 2nd Street NE
(Cerca de la escultura del “Lizard Lounge”, artista Mary Johnson)
La Asociación de vecinos de Bottineau tiene el orgullo de patrocinar al aire libre nuestro evento
anual “Obsequio de plantas” en “Eastside Neighborhood Services”.
¡Invitamos a los residentes de Bottineau a elegir un máximo de 5 plantas gratis!
¡Los vecinos también tendrán la oportunidad de aprender acerca de las organizaciones locales
respetuosas del medio ambiente, disfrutar de manualidades para niños y descubrir cómo puede
participar en la Asociación de vecinos de Bottineau!
Para obtener más información sobre el evento y las oportunidades de voluntariado,
comuníquese con bna@bottineauneighborhood.org.
Dadka xaafada Bottineau: Bixintii Dhirta ee sannadlaha ahayd waxa ay soo noqon Maajo 13!
Bixinta Dhirta ee Bottineau
Sabtida ay tahay Maajo 13, 9subaxnimo – Duhurkii
Adeegyada Xaafada Bari (Eastside Neighborhood Services) 1700 2nd Street NE
(ee dhow goobta farsamadda “Lizard Lounge”, ee farshaxan yaqaanada Mary Johnson)
Ururka Xaafadda Bottineau (Bottineau Neighborhood Association) waxaa sharaf u ah inuu qabanqaabiyo Dhacdadayadda Dibada lagu qabanayo ee sannadlaha ah ee “Bixinta Dhirta” ee Adeegyada Xaafada Bari (Eastside Neighborhood Services).
Waxa aan ugu baaqaynaa dadka xaafadda Bottineau inay xusahaan ilaa iyo 5 dhir ah oo lacag la’aan ah!
Dadka xaafaddu waxa kale oo ay heli doonaan fursado ay wax uga ogaadaan ururada kale ee bay’ada u saaxiibka ah ee deegaanka, ayna ugu madadaashaan farshaxano gacanta lagu sameeyey oo ilmaha loogu talagalay, iyo inay bartaan sidda loogu lug yeesho Ururka Xaafadda Bottineau (Bottineau Neighborhood Association)!
Si aad wax badan uga ogaato dhacdadda iyo fursadaha tabarucnimadda ah ee jira, la soo xiriir bna@bottineauneighborhood.org.
Jiraattota Bottineau: Kennaan keenya kan Biqiltuu kan waggaa Caamsaa 13 ni deebi’a!
Kennaa Biqiltuu Bottineau
Sambata duraa Caamsaa 13, 9am –Waareetti
Eastside Neighborhood Services 1700 2nd Street NE
(Naannoo siidaa “Lizard Lounge” jedhamutti, artist Mary Johnson)
Waldaan Neighborhood Bottineau Qophii keenya kan waggaa “Plant Giveaway” kan ‘outdoors’ ilaalchisee Tajaajila Neighborhood Eastside irratti haala boonsaa ta’een deggersa ni taasisa.
Jiraattonni Bottineau biqiltoota hanga 5tti bilisaan akka filattaniif ni afeerra!
Neighbors waa’ee dhaabbiilee naannoo lafaaf mijatoo ta’anii baruuf, hojiiwwan harkaa kanneen daa’immaniif mijatuutti gammaduuf, akkasumas akkamitti Waldaa Neighborhood Bottineau wajjin waliin hirmaachuu akka dandeessan baruuf carraa ni argatu!
Waa’ee sagantichaa fi carraa tola-ooltummaa caalaatti beekuuf, bna@bottineauneighborhood.org quunnamaa.
Cov neeg nyob Bottineau: peb yuav rov muaj qhov muab Nroj Tsuag Pub Dawb txhua xyoo lub Tsib Hli Tim 13!
Bottineau Muab Nroj Tsuag Pub Dawb
Hnub Vas Xaum Tsib Hli,Hnub 13, 9 a.m. sawv ntxov – 12 teev tas su
Eastside Neighborhood Services 1700 2nd Street NE
(Nyob ze ntawm tus duab puab “Lizard Lounge” ua los ntawm Mary Johnson.)
Bottineau Neighborhood Association zoo siab qhuas txhawb peb qhov kev muab “Nroj Tsuag Pub Dawb” txhua xyoo nraum zoov ntawm Eastside Neighborhood Services.
Peb caw cov neeg nyob Bottineau tuaj xaiv txog 5 tsob nroj tsuag dawb!
Cov neeg nyob cheeb tsam ntawd kuj muaj sijhawm los kawm txog cov khoomhaum muaj kev nyabxeeb rau lub ntiajteb, muaj khoom uasi rau menyuam yaus, thiab kawm seb koj yuav ua li cas los mus koom tes nrog Bottineau Neighborhood Association!
Xav paub ntxiv txog lub sijhawm tshwm sim thiab tuaj pab dawb, tiv tauj Bottineau Neighborhood Association!