Category Archives: Uncategorized

BNA Annual Plant Giveaway May 14, 2022

BNA Annual Plant Giveaway 2022
Saturday May 14th, 2022 – 9am -Noon
East Side Neighborhood Services 1700 2nd Street NE, Mpls MN 55418
  • Participants will be asked to sign in
  • Residents can chose up 5 plants


Bottineau Neighborhood Meeting with the Board, Tuesday May 10, 7pm

Bottineau Neighborhood Meeting with the Board, Tuesday May 10, 7pm

You’re invited to Bottineau’s monthly “Neighborhood Meeting with the Board” to hear updates from your BNA Board Members, neighbors and local businesses. We are excited about our plans for the neighborhood, and we look forward to sharing them with you! Welcome to all, every second Tuesday of the month, currently virtual.

Join us on Tuesday, May 10 @ 7pm
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:  815 9766 8011  +1 312 626 6799 US

Michael Durshlag – Recovery School
Molly Burns-Hanson – Move Minnesota

Email Kara at if you’d like further instructions on how to attend this virtually.


Volunteers Needed! Bottineau Neighborhood Association Clean Sweep April 30, 2022

Bottineau Neighborhood Association Clean Sweep 2022
Saturday, April 30th, 2022   9am- Noon

  • Have your items by your regular trash pick up area by 9am on Saturday, April 30th, 2022.
  • Yard waste, hazardous waste, liquids, dirt, mattresses or box springs will NOT be collected
  • Volunteers will meet at 8:45am on April 30th at Gluek Park.

Volunteers Needed!

If you are interested in volunteering on April 30th, 2022, please email for more details.

More information can be found on the Clean Sweep website. 


New BNA Bylaws for approval in January 2022!

Bottineau Neighborhood Association has developed new, updated bylaws that better serve our community.  We will be voting on these new bylaws on Tuesday, January 11th, 2022, 7pm at the BNA Board Meeting.


One major change is the addition of term limits.

“All Directors will serve a 2-year term. The Corporation will utilize staggered terms or any other reasonable method to preserve institutional knowledge continuation. There is no limitation on the number of terms a Director may serve, except that Directors must take at least two years off after serving 6 consecutive years.”

Attend our January meeting to vote!  You can also email questions in advance to

BNA January 2022 Board Meeting Jan 11, 2022 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 851 2223 6747 +1 312 626 6799 US


You can view our current bylaws here, created in 2000.