Category Archives: Uncategorized


Please join your very own Bottineau Neighborhood Association Board. We meet once a month (currently we meet on the 2nd Tuesday but we are evaluating if another day/time would help with engagement).

To qualify to be on the Board, you must be one or more of the following:
* resident of Bottineau Neighborhood (own or rent), OR
* a business owner or land owner in Bottineau, OR
* an employee of a business in Bottineau.

Our community deserves to the advocacy you can bring! We need your ideas on community events for us to host, city involvement, grants, murals, etc.

A lot will be changing with Lowry Avenue in the not-to-far future and that will affect us greatly! The Upper Harbor Terminal will affect us greatly! Let’s work together to make sure that we are active in the city decisions affecting our community! Or… help us pick a good Movie in the Park… Do what you can!

BNA Pumpkin Giveaway October 30

Bottineau Neighborhood Association presents:


Pumpkin Giveaway  Saturday October 30,  2021  1pm-3pm

Near the rabbit sculpture across from the California Building (Max Rabitat, Artist: Mary Johnson)

Curbside Pickup | Wear a mask

Sponsored by BNA, Sentyrz, and NE Kiwanis


BNA Annual Meeting, September 23rd, 2021

Update:  We’ve cancelled the in-person option for our annual meeting.  The annual meeting will take place ONLY on zoom.


BNA Annual Meeting Thursday, September 23rd, 7pm 

Zoom login :

+1 312 626 6799   Meeting ID: 816 1850 9103

BNA Annual Meeting Thursday, September 23rd, 7pm

BNA Neighborhood Coordinator Position Open

Bottineau Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood Coordinator Position

10-20 hours/week, must be available second Tuesday of the month

Bottineau Neighborhood Association works to improve, connect,  and advocate for the Bottineau community. The all-volunteer board oversees the programming and activities for this Minneapolis neighborhood, and the coordinator works to support these efforts, with an emphasis on promoting community engagement.


  • Serve as the main point of contact for the organization
    • Process phone and email messages
    • Maintain social network messaging
    • Act as liaison between residents, businesses, various groups, the City, and other stakeholders
  • Maintain all communications, including but not limited to:
    • Update the website on a regular basis
    • Produce eNews communications and promote sign-ups
    • Oversee production of monthly printed newsletter (write/source articles, images, etc.)
  • Organize events
  • Attend relevant meetings, including monthly board meetings
    • Help produce and distribute monthly meeting agendas and minutes
    • Stay informed about topics and issues affecting the neighborhood
  • Manage and recruit volunteers
  • Support board and committee activities as needed
  • Collaborate with the Treasurer and accountant to ensure budgets are  maintained, financial reports are available, and proper legal paperwork is submitted
  • Manage bookkeeping, submit reimbursements to NCR,  and file all taxes and government required reports
  • Other duties as assigned

Skills & Experience

  • Knowledge of G-Suite, Mailchimp, WordPress, Quickbooks
  • Effective communication skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Event planning and project management experience
  • Ability to work collaboratively and proactively
  • Ability to balance a variety of priorities
  • Enjoy working with diverse communities
  • Experience with grassroots organizing a plus
  • Nonprofit and volunteer board experience
  • Experience working with the City of Minneapolis, ideally with the NCR Department


  • This is a contract position, renewable yearly upon board review
  • Pay $25-30/hour depending on qualifications

How to Apply

  • Send letter of interest, resume and references to
  • Position open until filled