A fall community event, with a dark blue overlay

Celebrate National Night Out in Bottineau!

National Night Out is on August 1st!  
If you're hosting a block party this year, contact us (the Bottineau Neighborhood Association), before and after your event to get reimbursed up to $100 for eligible outreach materials, excluding food and entertainment. Email bna@bottineauneighborhood.org for more info.

National Night Out is on August 1st! The annual National Night Out (NNO) is an evening of community-hosted block parties that unite neighbors and strengthen their sense of community.
If you’re hosting a block party this year, contact us (the Bottineau Neighborhood Association), before and after your event to get reimbursed up to $100 for eligible outreach materials, excluding food and entertainment. Email bna@bottineauneighborhood.org for more info.
Register your National Night Out party by July 18 at: 

Find a National Night Out party near you at : https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/nno/