A fall community event, with a dark blue overlay

Spring Clean-Up & Buy Nothing Week!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 26th, from 9:00 AM to noon, for the annual Spring Clean-Up & *NEW* “BottineauNothing” Week! This event is a fantastic opportunity for neighbors to come together, beautify our community, and embrace a more sustainable way of living.

**Bottineau-Nothing Week “Shop the Boulevards”**
This year, we’re adding a unique twist, “Shop the Boulevards”: from April 20th to 26th, residents are encouraged to put out unwanted items (in good condition, of course!) on the boulevards for their neighbors to “shop.” This is a chance to give your gently used items a second life and reduce waste while connecting with your community. Please move any remaining items to your regular trash area before 9am on Saturday April 26 for pick up.

**Trash Pickup**
All trash items should be placed by your regular trash pick up area by 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 26th. Yard waste, hazardous waste, liquids, dirt, mattresses, and box springs will NOT be collected.

**Volunteers Needed!**
Volunteers are crucial to the success of this event. If you’re interested in helping, please meet at Gluek Park at 8:45 AM on April 26th. We’ll be picking up trash and assisting with city trucks. Coffee, pastries, bags, gloves, and pickup sticks will be provided! Sign up here!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Bottineau February Neighborhood Meeting with the Board

February 11 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Join us! Tuesday  February 11, 2025 
Meeting ID: 823 3900 5412Passcode: 769375 +1 312 626 6799

Agenda: Transportation Project Updates
University Ave Northeast
Marshall Street Northeast

What do you want to see for these streets?
How safe do you feel crossing at University Ave NE and 22nd Ave?

Join us on February 11 to hear from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) and Hennepin County to learn about planned improvements for University Ave NE and Marshall Street NE. Council President Payne and Holland Neighborhood Association will also be joining the meeting to share concerns and ideas for University Ave NE and 22nd Ave Intersection.

Senate District 60 Special Election

Senate District 60 Special Election
The Bottineau Neighborhood Association mourns the loss of Senator Kari Dziedzic. Her tireless advocacy for Northeast Minneapolis will be deeply missed. We extend our deepest condolences to her family and friends.

Special Election is Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
Special Primary is Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

Voters who live in Senate District 60  are eligible to vote in the special election.  More information here.

Minneapolis Lead Pipe Updates

The City of Minneapolis has sent residents with a lead water service line a letter.  An interactive map of the water service line inventory can be viewed on the City’s website.

This year the city began proactively replacing lead service lines at no cost to the homeowner.  This effort will continue until  every lead service line in the city is replaced (replacement requires the property owner’s consent).

The City is replacing lead service lines failures on a complaint driven basis. If there are any mechanical failures or leaks to your lead service line you should reach out to 311 and the Water Department will help you replace the line.

What you can do:

* Visit the city’s website to see if your home has a lead service line.

*Request a free lead testing kit – order here

*Reduce your lead exposure

  • Let the cold-water faucet run until you feel that the water is as cold as it will get. 
  • Run the water for 2 -3 minutes if you have a lead waterline.
  • If you need hot water,  heat it after it comes out of the faucet.
  • Use only cold water for drinking, cooking and baby formula.

You can find more information on the City website.

Bottineau Neighborhood Pumpkin Giveaway Recap

Bottineau Neighborhood Pumpkin Giveaway
We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who came out to our Annual Pumpkin Giveaway!

It was a spooktacular success thanks to the support of our generous sponsors, Sentryz Market, the NE Kiwanis, and Mojo coffee. We also want to extend a special thanks to our amazing volunteers who helped make this event possible.

We hope you had as much fun as we did!

Bottineau Annual Meeting September 26, 2024

Bottineau Annual Meeting Recap
A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for the BNA Annual Meeting! We couldn’t have done it without the generous support of Broken Clock Brewery, who provided the space, and HUM Yoga, The California Street Farm, and The Buttered Tin for their amazing raffle prizes. 

At the meeting, we elected new board members, learned about Eastside Neighborhood Services programming, and heard valuable updates from Council President Elliot Payne.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s meeting! 

Bottineau Pumpkin Giveaway

BNA Pumpkin Giveaway Saturday October 26, 11am-1pm

@ The Rabbit Sculpture across from the California Building (Max Rabbitat by Mary Johnson)
Join us to get a free pumpkin and meet your neighbors!

BNA Board Nominations Open!

Are you or someone you know passionate about neighborhood engagement? To nominate a neighbor or yourself, email bna@bottineauneighborhood.org.

Tell us why the nominee would be a great candidate for the board. Nominations will be accepted up until the call for a vote at the annual meeting.

Elections will be held at the annual meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2024 – 6pm-8pm, at Broken Clock Brewery.

Bottineau August Neighborhood Meeting with the Board

Bottineau August Neighborhood Meeting with the Board
You’re invited to Bottineau’s monthly “Neighborhood Meeting with the Board” to hear updates from your BNA Board Members, neighbors, and local businesses. We are excited about our plans for the neighborhood and we look forward to sharing them with you!  Welcome to all, every second Tuesday of the month, currently virtual.

Join us! Tuesday August 13 2024  @ 7pm
Zoom link: us02web.zoom.us/j/84092332950 
Meeting ID: 840 9233 2950 Passcode: 554324  Dial In +1 312 626 6799

Guest: Small Hours Business Proposal + Meet the Owners!

Small Hours is a new hifi wine bar opening at 2201 NE 2nd Street Minneapolis.
Small Hours plans to offer an approachable space focused on sharing both interesting wine via a dynamic yet focused wine list and wide ranging, interesting music via an impressive hifi system in a thoughtful acoustically treated room.

Small Hours is composed of partners Sarina Garibović and Sam Cassidy with the support of three part time support staff and a culinary consultant. Sarina and Sam are dedicated to creating a casual and inviting environment where guests can experience the sum of their experience, passion and dedication to wine, music and sound.  https://smallhoursmpls.com/