A fall community event, with a dark blue overlay

New BNA Bylaws for approval in January 2022!

Bottineau Neighborhood Association has developed new, updated bylaws that better serve our community.  We will be voting on these new bylaws on Tuesday, January 11th, 2022, 7pm at the BNA Board Meeting.


One major change is the addition of term limits.

“All Directors will serve a 2-year term. The Corporation will utilize staggered terms or any other reasonable method to preserve institutional knowledge continuation. There is no limitation on the number of terms a Director may serve, except that Directors must take at least two years off after serving 6 consecutive years.”

Attend our January meeting to vote!  You can also email questions in advance to [email protected].

BNA January 2022 Board Meeting Jan 11, 2022 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 851 2223 6747 +1 312 626 6799 US


You can view our current bylaws here, created in 2000.




Please join your very own Bottineau Neighborhood Association Board. We meet once a month (currently we meet on the 2nd Tuesday but we are evaluating if another day/time would help with engagement).

To qualify to be on the Board, you must be one or more of the following:
* resident of Bottineau Neighborhood (own or rent), OR
* a business owner or land owner in Bottineau, OR
* an employee of a business in Bottineau.

Our community deserves to the advocacy you can bring! We need your ideas on community events for us to host, city involvement, grants, murals, etc.

A lot will be changing with Lowry Avenue in the not-to-far future and that will affect us greatly! The Upper Harbor Terminal will affect us greatly! Let’s work together to make sure that we are active in the city decisions affecting our community! Or… help us pick a good Movie in the Park… Do what you can!

BNA Pumpkin Giveaway October 30

Bottineau Neighborhood Association presents:


Pumpkin Giveaway  Saturday October 30,  2021  1pm-3pm

Near the rabbit sculpture across from the California Building (Max Rabitat, Artist: Mary Johnson)

Curbside Pickup | Wear a mask

Sponsored by BNA, Sentyrz, and NE Kiwanis


BNA Annual Meeting, September 23rd, 2021

Update:  We’ve cancelled the in-person option for our annual meeting.  The annual meeting will take place ONLY on zoom.


BNA Annual Meeting Thursday, September 23rd, 7pm 

Zoom login : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81618509103

+1 312 626 6799   Meeting ID: 816 1850 9103

BNA Annual Meeting Thursday, September 23rd, 7pm