A fall community event, with a dark blue overlay

Northern Metals Consent Decree Advisory Committee Vacancies

The Northern Metals Consent Decree Advisory Committee is being established to provide recommendations on how the funds from the Northern Metals Consent Decree will be spent in Minneapolis. The City of Minneapolis is asking for community input on how to identify and outreach residents with asthma or a potential for lead poisoning and how to utilize $200,000 a year for three years within the impacted neighborhoods of Sheridan, Bottineau, McKinley and Hawthorn with the four items allowed in the consent decree.

(1) Identify and educate at-risk residents on asthma triggers.

(2) Enroll families with children suffering from poorly controlled asthma in a new asthma trigger mitigation program.

(3) Implement community and block-by-block blood lead level screening events in cooperation with local clinics which will offer follow-up venous blood screening as needed.

(4) Identify and connect affected individuals with resources to help reduce environmental exposure to lead.


  • Seat 1: Council appointees must live or work in the Bottineau neighborhood.
  • Seat 2: Council appointees must live or work in the Bottineau neighborhood.
  • Seat 3: Council appointees must live or work in the Bottineau neighborhood.
  • Seat 4: Council appointees must live or work in the Sheridan neighborhood.
  • Seat 6: Council appointees must live or work in the Sheridan neighborhood.
  • Seat 16: Member at large; representative will be selected by the Health Commissioner.
  • Seat 17: Member at large; representative will be selected by the Health Commissioner.
  • Seat 18: Member at large; representative will be selected by the Health Commissioner.

Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Application Instructions

Complete the Application Form (pdf) and the Voluntary Demographic Questionnaire (pdf).

Send completed forms to openappointments@minneapolismn.gov, or by fax: 612-673-3812, or:

City Clerk Appointments
Room 304, 350 South Fifth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1382

You can apply on your own behalf, nominate others for consideration, or inform the City Clerk’s Office of someone to whom you’d like application materials to be sent.


Committee Contact: Lisa Smestad, 612-673-3733, Lisa.smestad@minneapolismn.gov

City Clerk’s Office, 612-673-2216, or email openappointments@minneapolismn.gov

Selection Process

The City Council shall approve the appointment of all committee members.  

Additional Information

The Committee will be comprised of 18 members. 12 of the member positions will be recommended for appointment by council members from the 4 neighborhoods effected. Meeting dates, time and locations will be determined by Committee.

$25 gift card may be provided to each member attending each meeting if practicable and if grant funds are available.

Should you require a reasonable accommodation in order to fully participate, or information in an alternative format, please contact the Office of City Clerk at 612-673-2216 or openappointments@minneapolismn.gov. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-673-2157.