Mark your Calendar for the 2014 Holiday Train!
2014 Holiday Train (click here to see flyer)
Wednesday, December 10, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train arrives at approximately 8:30 pm. Come to Shoreham Rail Yard, 2800 Central Avenue NE, for a night of live musical entertainment, kid’s activities, horse-drawn hayrides and refreshments. Support the food shelves of ESNS by bringing a cash or non-perishable food donation to the 2014 Holiday Train. This is the only stop in Minneapolis, so don’t miss the train! (Please share this within your community. If you would like copies made to distribute, you can call (612) 781-6011 to have them printed, then pick them up at East Side.)
More Upcoming Events:
How to Ride the Bus and Light-Rail
Tuesday, November 25, 10:45 am
A Customer Advocate from Metro Transit will be at East Side to help Seniors learn the ins-and-outs of using Metro Transit. Call for more information 612-781-6011.
MNsure Assistance
Every Monday, 11 am – 1 pm
Need help signing up for MNsure? Every Monday a MNsure Navigator is at East Side Neighborhood Services. Call Laura for an appointment 612-781-6011.
Tai Ji Quan – Moving for Better Balance
Mondays and Wednesdays, through Nov 24, 1-2pm. Free!
Come and experience a combination of Tai Chi and moving to create better balance. We are in the dining room at ESNS. Come 10 minutes early to complete a needed form.
Renters Rights
Tuesday, December 9, 10:45 – 11:45 am
A free presentation at East Side. Open to seniors.
10th Annual Twin Cities Snowshoe Shuffle (click here to see flyer)
Saturday, February 7, 2015
For more information, please visit