Category Archives: Uncategorized

BNA Clean Sweep, April 17th, 2021

Bottineau Neighborhood Association Clean Sweep
Saturday, April 17th, 2021   9am- Noon

  • Have your items by your regular trash pick up area by 9am on Saturday, April 17th, 2021.
  • Yard waste, hazardous waste, liquids, dirt, mattresses or box springs will NOT be collected
  • Volunteers will meet at 8:45am on April 17th at Gluek Park.

Volunteers Needed!

If you are interested in volunteering on April 17th, 2021, please email for more details.


Items collected include:




Comment on the Upper Harbor Terminal Draft Plan

The City is seeking input on the redevelopment plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal. You can access the Draft Plan, watch the new project video, and provide comment on the Draft Plan by taking an online survey on the project website by Jan. 15, 2021. Online open houses on the Draft Plan will be held on Tuesday December 15 at 5:00 p.m. and one in early January. See the events calendar on the project website for more info on online events.

Facebook Event Tuesday December 15th
Online Survey
Project Website

Free COVID testing and Flu Shots

Free COVID-19 Testing & Flu Shots
Saturday, November 14th, 12-3pm
East Side Neighborhood Services
1700 2nd Street NE, Minneapolis MN 55418

Drive up and Walk up testing available
Register onsite
Open to all

Sponsored by Bottineau Neighborhood Association, East Side Neighborhood Services, Hennepin Healthcare, Sheridan Neighborhood Organization, and Minneapolis Department of Health.



Previous COVID testing events:

Free Covid Testing & Flu Shots
Tuesday, September 29th, 1-5pm
Eastside Neighborhood Services 1700 NE 2nd Street, Minneapolis MN 55413
Drive and Walk up testing available, Register on site, Open to All
Sponsored by Bottineau Neighborhood Association Sheridan Neighborhood OrganizationCity of Minneapolis Health DepartmentEast Side Neighborhood Services


Prueba Gratis del COVID y Vacunas de la Grip
Cuando: Martes 29 de Septeimbre, De 1pm a 5pm
Donde:East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 NE 2nd STreet, Minneapolis MN 55413
Prueba disponible llegando en auto o caminando, Registrarse en el sitio, Disponible para todos

Thank you to our Pumpkin Giveaway volunteers!

A HUGE thank you to all our volunteers at the 2020 Pumpkin Giveaway.   We also thank Sentryz and the NE Kiwanis for their partnership!

Volunteers:  Liz Novotny, Mariam Slayhi, Jennifer James, Tim Kremer, Sheli Telschow


Photo credit: Jennefer James, Mariam Slayhi, and Andrea Pearson

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We can do better! Sign our petition to demand more for Bottineau Neighborhood!

Sign our Petition!

Will you join the chorus of voices demanding better for Bottineau neighborhood?

Sign the petition here.


Click here to Sign our Petition!

For more information:
2301 California Building Proposal can be viewed using the links below:


Email for more information or to get involved.


Rendering of 2301 California Street NE, near railroad tracks, from LS Black Developers