Free Covid Testing & Flu Shots
Tuesday, September 29th, 1-5pm
Eastside Neighborhood Services 1700 NE 2nd Street, Minneapolis MN 55413
Drive and Walk up testing available, Register on site, Open to All
Sponsored by Bottineau Neighborhood Association
Prueba Gratis del COVID y Vacunas de la Grip
Cuando: Martes 29 de Septeimbre, De 1pm a 5pm
Donde:East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 NE 2nd STreet, Minneapolis MN 55413
Prueba disponible llegando en auto o caminando, Registrarse en el sitio, Disponible para todos
LS Black Developers, in partnership with ESG Architects, has submitted a proposal for the property at 2301 California Street NE, the vacant lot next to the California Building.
LS Black Developers will be attending the Bottineau Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting to review the proposal and answer questions.
Bottineau Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting
Thursday, September 24th, 7pm via Zoom
Call in 312 626 6799 , Meeting ID 832 2634 9823
ESG Architects has submitted the following applications to allow a six story mixed use building at 2301 California Street NE and 78 23rd Street NE.
Petition to rezone the subject site to add the IL Industrial Living Overlay District to the existing I1 Light Industrial District.
Conditional use permit to allow dwelling units in the IL Industrial Living Overlay District.
Conditional use permit to increase the maximum height of a principal structure.
Site plan review for a new, six-story mixed-use building with 164 dwelling units and approximately 13,400 square feet of production space.
The City Planning Commission will meet on Monday, October 5, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. During the declared local public health emergency, Minneapolis has transitioned to an electronic format for its public meetings and hearings, authorized under Minn. Stat. Section 13D.021, to minimize the risk of exposure to or potential spread of COVID-19. The public may view the public hearing using the following options: Watch on Comcast Channel 14 or 799, CenturyLink Channel 8001 or 8501, or live on
In accordance with the Zoning Code, all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of this public hearing. The public may submit comments or participate by phone in the meeting by using the following website:
If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you may submit them via the link above or by emailing:
Mei-Ling Smith, Senior City Planner – 250 S 4th St Room 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone (612) 673-5342 E-mail:
Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Planning Commission. After hearing from the public, the Planning Commission will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please visit for the agenda with staff reports (web page will be updated by the end of the day Wednesday prior to the meeting date).
For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please contact 612-673-3710. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-673-2157 or 612-673-2626.
Bottineau Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting
Thursday September 24th, 2020
Dial in or Join us online via Zoom Meeting Link
Call in 312.626.6799, Meeting ID 832 2634 9823
BNA Board Elections
LS Black Developers, 2301 California Street NE
Minneapolis Recycling & Organics updates
National Night Out 2020
This year National Night is held on September 15th, 2020. Bottineau Neighborhood can help you fund your party. We will reimburse up to $100 of eligible expenses for your registered event. Eligible expenses include outreach materials and supplies. We cannot reimburse for food or entertainment. Receipts required.
Please email with your party details and we can help you determine what expenses can be reimbursed. More details can be found at To find out about events on your block, look for flyers from a neighbor.
The California Street Farm, the urban farm right across the street from the California Building, is doing a weekly farmstand on Monday evenings from 4 pm – 7 pm. They’re selling sustainably grown veggies, all grown right here!
The farmstand is Pay-What-You-Can because the farmers Ashley and Chris want healthy produce to be available to everyone in the community, regardless of financial means. You can stop by the stand anytime between 4 and 7, or order online in advance at this link:
They also have a weekly newsletter, which they send out to let you know when pre-orders are open and what they’ll have each week. You can sign up on their website,
Thank you to everyone who participated in Bottineau Neighborhood Association’s annual Plant Giveaway Saturday, June 6th. This yearly event was pushed out a month, in an effort to adhere to the state’s Stay at Home orders.
Plants were ordered, volunteering was organized and plans were made to present the neighborhood with herbs, vegetables and flowers of all sorts with no clear information on whether or not it would be lawful to do this type of event early in June. It turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day with a constant sound of birds chirping in the background where the neighborhood was eager to come out and support each other. Residents were presented with seven different vegetables or herbs, twelve different flowers and two different perennials and were told they could choose any plants to take home.
BNA offered up gloves, garbage bags and other cleaning materials for the community to use during their self guided clean ups of the neighborhood and river front, since we could not continue our yearly community clean up in April this year as originally planned. donated masks to the residents who needed masks, so we could all practice social distancing. There were 74 households that came to show support and obtain plants, one of the largest turnouts the Beautify Bottineau event has ever recorded! We hope everyone enjoyed the new life and found solace in the time spent cleaning up this year on your own, we look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor as we walk around this summer.